#PyVPN ## Suitable for RasperryPI3 Model B+ ### Error exit codes: ``` 0: ran successfully 1: no config file found 2: missing options 3: missing client name after options ``` ### Usage ``pyvpn --create-client [clientname]`` ### Requirements This program requires the following libraries: ``pexpect`` ``base64`` Only ``pexpect`` needs to be installed. Run ``pip install pexpect`` to install it. Or if that didn't work, try ``easy_install pexpect`` ### Compatibilty This script hasn't been tested for Windows use. It will, however, run in all distributions and RPI too. You need to have Python installed for this to work. ### Installation Move the script to the scripts directory: From the repository you just cloned, Source the path environment variable: ``source ./.env`` Then install the program: ``mv pyVPN.py /usr/local/bin/pyvpn`` Confirm that the path ``echo $PYVPN_PROCESS_PATH`` is correct. If not, adjust the env file and resource. ### Contributing All contributions are generally accepted! I'm grateful for any support and advice I might encounter. Thank you! ### What it returns The program will return a base64 encoded string of the client config file, for ease of transport across other programs. However, you can clean your terminal and look for the file in the ```/root``` directory. ``/root/example.ovpn`` ### Licensing See ``LICENSE``