@extends('adminlte::page') @section('title', config('app.name') . ' | ' . __('messages.settings.settings')) @section('content_header') @if (Auth::user()->hasAnyRole('admin'))
Disabled: No security policy will be enforced. This is insecure.
Low: Good choice for low-traffic websites, e.g. community with less than 100 members.
Medium (recommended): Standard for most websites.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻: For security aficionados. More of a nuisance than a good policy.
DANGER: Insecure security policy
Your current password security policy is set to off. This allows users to choose potentially unsafe passwords. We strongly recommend you update this value to Medium.
Here, you can configure security settings for the app, for all users.
In this section, you can choose which game your community plays. This gives you the ability to limit signups to users with valid game accounts, keeping pirates out. It also swaps front page images with images for that game, if you haven't customised them. Leave unselected if your community does not revolve around a game.
Configure any of the thirdy party services below to facilitate recruiting staff for specific services.