argument('key'); $value = $this->argument('value'); $originalValue = env($key); if (is_null($originalValue)) { // Attempt to silently fix issue $this->callSilent('cache:clear'); $originalValue = env($key); // Still fails? Let the user know if (is_null($originalValue)) { $this->error('[!!] Cannot update requested configuration value! This is a known Laravel issue. If you report a bug, keep that in mind.'); return false; } } if (file_exists($path)) { $file = file_get_contents($path); $newConfig = str_replace($key . '=' . $originalValue, $key . '=' . $value, $file); file_put_contents( $path, $newConfig ); } else { $this->error('Cannot update a file that doesn\'t exist! Please create .env first.'); return false; } $this->info('>> Changed value! It may now be accessed via env() or config() if there\'s a file for it.'); } }