@extends('adminlte::page') @section('title', config('app.name') . ' | ' . __('messages.settings.settings')) @section('content_header') @if (Auth::user()->hasAnyRole('admin'))

{{__('messages.adm')}} / {{__('messages.settings.settings')}}



@endif @stop @section('css') @stop @section('js') @if (session()->has('success')) @endif @if (session()->has('error')) @endif @if($errors->any()) @foreach ($errors->all() as $error) @endforeach @endif @stop @section('content')



@csrf @foreach($options as $option)
option_value == 1) ? 'checked' : '' }}>

Security Settings

Here, you can configure security settings for the app, for all users.


Users will be locked out after this time period if they fail to enable 2FA. Leave empty to disable.

Leave this field blank to disable. Users will be forced to reset their password after the specified time.

Choose a game in the section below, if applicable.

Game Integration

In this section, you can choose which game your community plays. This gives you the ability to limit signups to users with valid game accounts, keeping pirates out. It also swaps front page images with images for that game, if you haven't customised them. Leave unselected if your community does not revolve around a game.

Integration with 3rd party services

Configure any of the thirdy party services below to facilitate recruiting staff for specific services.

Discord Workmark Logo - Black
Reddit Wordmark Logo - OrangeRed