forked from miguel456/rbrecruiter
335 lines
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335 lines
11 KiB
* Copyright © 2020 Miguel Nogueira
* This file is part of Raspberry Staff Manager.
* Raspberry Staff Manager is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Raspberry Staff Manager is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Raspberry Staff Manager. If not, see <>.
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Ban;
use App\Http\Requests\Add2FASecretRequest;
use App\Http\Requests\ChangeEmailRequest;
use App\Http\Requests\ChangePasswordRequest;
use App\Http\Requests\DeleteUserRequest;
use App\Http\Requests\FlushSessionsRequest;
use App\Http\Requests\Remove2FASecretRequest;
use App\Http\Requests\SearchPlayerRequest;
use App\Http\Requests\UpdateUserRequest;
use App\Notifications\ChangedPassword;
use App\Notifications\EmailChanged;
use App\User;
use Google2FA;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Hash;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use Spatie\Permission\Models\Role;
class UserController extends Controller
public function showStaffMembers()
$this->authorize('viewStaff', User::class);
$staffRoles = [
]; // TODO: Un-hardcode this, move to config/roles.php
$users = User::with('roles')->get();
$staffMembers = collect([]);
foreach ($users as $user) {
if (empty($user->roles)) {
Log::debug('Staff list: User without role detected; Ignoring');
foreach ($user->roles as $role) {
if (in_array($role->name, $staffRoles)) {
continue 2; // Skip directly to the next user instead of comparing more roles for the current user
return view('dashboard.administration.staff-members')
'users' => $staffMembers,
public function showPlayers()
$this->authorize('viewPlayers', User::class);
$users = User::with('roles')->get();
$players = collect([]);
foreach ($users as $user) {
// TODO: Might be problematic if we don't check if the role is user
if (count($user->roles) == 1) {
return view('dashboard.administration.players')
'users' => $players,
'bannedUserCount' => Ban::all()->count(),
public function showPlayersLike(SearchPlayerRequest $request)
$this->authorize('viewPlayers', User::class);
$searchTerm = $request->searchTerm;
$matchingUsers = User::query()
->where('name', 'LIKE', "%{$searchTerm}%")
->orWhere('email', 'LIKE', "%{$searchTerm}%")
if (! $matchingUsers->isEmpty()) {
$request->session()->flash('success', 'There were '.$matchingUsers->count().' user(s) matching your search.');
return view('dashboard.administration.players')
'users' => $matchingUsers,
'bannedUserCount' => Ban::all()->count(),
} else {
$request->session()->flash('error', 'Your search term did not return any results.');
return redirect(route('registeredPlayerList'));
public function showAccount(Request $request)
$QRCode = null;
if (! $request->user()->has2FA()) {
if ($request->session()->has('twofaAttemptFailed')) {
$twoFactorSecret = $request->session()->get('current2FA');
} else {
$twoFactorSecret = Google2FA::generateSecretKey(32, '');
$request->session()->put('current2FA', $twoFactorSecret);
$QRCode = Google2FA::getQRCodeInline(
return view('dashboard.user.profile.useraccount')
->with('ip', request()->ip())
->with('twofaQRCode', $QRCode);
public function flushSessions(FlushSessionsRequest $request)
// TODO: Move all log calls to a listener, which binds to an event fired by each significant event, such as this one
// This will allow for other actions to be performed on certain events (like login failed event)
Log::notice('User '.Auth::user()->name.' has logged out other devices in their account',
'originIPAddress' => $request->ip(),
'userID' => Auth::user()->id,
'timestamp' => now(),
$request->session()->flash('success', 'Successfully logged out other devices. Remember to change your password if you think you\'ve been compromised.');
return redirect()->back();
public function changePassword(ChangePasswordRequest $request)
$user = User::find(Auth::user()->id);
if (! is_null($user)) {
$user->password = Hash::make($request->newPassword);
Log::info('User '.$user->name.' has changed their password', [
'originIPAddress' => $request->ip(),
'userID' => $user->id,
'timestamp' => now(),
$user->notify(new ChangedPassword());
return redirect()->back();
public function changeEmail(ChangeEmailRequest $request)
$user = User::find(Auth::user()->id);
if (! is_null($user)) {
$user->email = $request->newEmail;
Log::notice('User '.$user->name.' has just changed their contact email address', [
'originIPAddress' => $request->ip(),
'userID' => $user->id,
'timestamp' => now(),
$user->notify(new EmailChanged());
$request->session()->flash('success', 'Your email address has been changed!');
} else {
$request->session()->flash('error', 'There has been an error whilst trying to update your account. Please contact administrators.');
return redirect()->back();
public function delete(DeleteUserRequest $request, User $user)
$this->authorize('delete', $user);
if ($request->confirmPrompt == 'DELETE ACCOUNT') {
$request->session()->flash('success', 'User deleted successfully. PII has been erased.');
} else {
$request->session()->flash('error', 'Wrong confirmation text! Try again.');
return redirect()->route('registeredPlayerList');
public function update(UpdateUserRequest $request, User $user)
$this->authorize('adminEdit', $user);
// Mass update would not be possible here without extra code, making route model binding useless
$user->email = $request->email;
$user->name = $request->name;
$user->uuid = $request->uuid;
$existingRoles = Role::all()
$roleDiff = array_diff($existingRoles, $request->roles);
// Adds roles that were selected. Removes roles that aren't selected if the user has them.
foreach ($roleDiff as $deselectedRole) {
if ($user->hasRole($deselectedRole) && $deselectedRole !== 'user') {
foreach ($request->roles as $role) {
if (! $user->hasRole($role)) {
$request->session()->flash('success', 'User updated successfully!');
return redirect()->back();
public function add2FASecret(Add2FASecretRequest $request)
$currentSecret = $request->session()->get('current2FA');
$isValid = Google2FA::verifyKey($currentSecret, $request->otp);
if ($isValid) {
$request->user()->twofa_secret = $currentSecret;
Log::warning('SECURITY: User activated two-factor authentication', [
'initiator' => $request->user()->email,
'ip' => $request->ip(),
Log::warning('SECURITY: Started two factor session automatically', [
'initiator' => $request->user()->email,
'ip' => $request->ip(),
if ($request->session()->has('twofaAttemptFailed')) {
$request->session()->flash('success', '2FA succesfully enabled! You\'ll now be prompted for an OTP each time you log in.');
} else {
$request->session()->flash('error', 'Incorrect code. Please reopen the 2FA settings panel and try again.');
$request->session()->put('twofaAttemptFailed', true);
return redirect()->back();
public function remove2FASecret(Remove2FASecretRequest $request)
Log::warning('SECURITY: Disabling two factor authentication (user initiated)', [
'initiator' => $request->user()->email,
'ip' => $request->ip(),
$request->user()->twofa_secret = null;
$request->session()->flash('success', 'Two-factor authentication disabled.');
return redirect()->back();
public function terminate(Request $request, User $user)
$this->authorize('terminate', User::class);
// TODO: move logic to policy
if (! $user->isStaffMember() || $user->is(Auth::user())) {
$request->session()->flash('error', 'You cannot terminate this user.');
return redirect()->back();
foreach ($user->roles as $role) {
if ($role->name == 'user') {
Log::info('User '.$user->name.' has just been demoted.');
$request->session()->flash('success', 'User terminated successfully.');
//TODO: Dispatch event
return redirect()->back();