@extends('adminlte::page') @section('title', 'Raspberry Network | ' . $profile->user->name . '\'s profile') @section('content_header')
This user has been banned by the moderators.
Please confirm that you want to ban this user account. You'll need to add a reason and expiration date to confirm this. Bans don't transfer to connected Minecraft networks (yet).
You are about to terminate a staff member
Terminating a staff member will remove their privileges on the team management site and Network. They will be notified of their termination. Make sure to have discussed this with them first.
WARNING: This is a potentially destructive action!
Deleting a user's account is an irreversible process. Historic and current applications, votes, and profile content, as well as any personally identifiable information will be immediately erased.
Origin Country | {{$ipInfo->country_name ?? 'N/A'}} |
State/Province | {{$ipInfo->state_prov ?? 'None'}} |
District (if any) | {{$ipInfo->district ?? 'N/A'}} |
City | {{$ipInfo->city ?? 'N/A'}} |
Zipcode | {{$ipInfo->zipcode ?? 'N/A'}} |
Coordinates | {{$ipInfo->latitude ?? 0}}, {{$ipInfo->longitude ?? 0}} |
European? | {{($ipInfo->is_eu) ? 'Yes' : 'No'}} |
ISP | {{$ipInfo->isp ?? 'N/A'}} |
Organization (if any) | {{$ipInfo->organization ?? 'N/A'}} |
C. Type | {{$ipInfo->connection_type ?? 'N/A'}} |
Timezone | {{$ipInfo->time_zone->name ?? 'N/A'}} |
Member since {{$since}}
@if (Auth::user()->hasRole('admin')) @endif @if ($profile->user->is(Auth::user())) @elseif (Auth::user()->hasRole('admin') && $profile->user->isStaffMember()) @endif