get(); $pbar = $this->output->createProgressBar($eligibleApps->count()); if($eligibleApps->isEmpty()) { $this->error('𐄂 There are no applications that need to be processed.'); return false; } foreach ($eligibleApps as $application) { $votes = $application->votes; $voteCount = $application->votes->count(); $positiveVotes = 0; $negativeVotes = 0; if ($voteCount > 5) { $this->info('Counting votes for application ID ' . $application->id); foreach ($votes as $vote) { switch ($vote->allowedVoteType) { case 'VOTE_APPROVE': $positiveVotes++; break; case 'VOTE_DENY': $negativeVotes++; break; } } $this->info('Total votes for application ID ' . $application->id . ': ' . $voteCount); $this->info('Calculating criteria...'); $negativeVotePercent = floor(($negativeVotes / $voteCount) * 100); $positiveVotePercent = floor(($positiveVotes / $voteCount) * 100); $pollResult = $positiveVotePercent > $negativeVotePercent; $this->table([ '% of approval votes', '% of denial votes' ], [ // array of arrays, e.g. rows [ $positiveVotePercent . "%", $negativeVotePercent . "%" ] ]); if ($pollResult) { $this->info('✓ Dispatched promotion event for applicant ' . $application->user->name); if (!$this->option('dryrun')) { event(new ApplicationApprovedEvent(Application::find($application->id))); } else { $this->warn('Dry run: Event won\'t be dispatched'); } $pbar->advance(); } else { if (!$this->option('dryrun')) { event(new ApplicationDeniedEvent(Application::find($application->id))); } else { $this->warn('Dry run: Event won\'t be dispatched'); } $pbar->advance(); $this->error('𐄂 Applicant ' . $application->user->name . ' does not meet vote criteria (Majority)'); } } else { $this->warn("Application ID" . $application->id . " did not have enough votes for processing (min 5)"); } } $pbar->finish(); return true; } }