with('applications', Auth::user()->applications); } public function showAllPendingApps() { return view('dashboard.appmanagement.outstandingapps'); } public function showPeerReview() { return view('dashboard.appmanagement.peerreview'); } public function showPendingInterview() { return view('dashboard.appmanagement.interview'); } public function renderApplicationForm(Request $request, $vacancySlug) { $vacancyWithForm = Vacancy::with('forms')->where('vacancySlug', $vacancySlug)->get(); if (!$vacancyWithForm->isEmpty()) { return view('dashboard.application-rendering.apply') ->with([ 'vacancy' => $vacancyWithForm->first(), 'preprocessedForm' => json_decode($vacancyWithForm->first()->forms->formStructure, true) ]); } else { abort(404, 'We\'re ssssorry, but the application form you\'re looking for could not be found.'); } } public function saveApplicationAnswers(Request $request, $vacancySlug) { $vacancy = Vacancy::with('forms')->where('vacancySlug', $vacancySlug)->get(); Log::info('Processing new application!'); $formStructure = json_decode($vacancy->first()->forms->formStructure, true); $responseStructure = []; $excludedNames = [ '_token', ]; $validator = []; foreach($request->all() as $fieldName => $value) { if(!in_array($fieldName, $excludedNames)) { $validator[$fieldName] = 'required|string'; $responseStructure['responses'][$fieldName]['type'] = $formStructure['fields'][$fieldName]['type'] ?? 'Unavailable'; $responseStructure['responses'][$fieldName]['title'] = $formStructure['fields'][$fieldName]['title']; $responseStructure['responses'][$fieldName]['response'] = $value; } } Log::info('Built response & validator structure!'); $validation = Validator::make($request->all(), $validator); if (!$validation->fails()) { $response = Response::create([ 'responseFormID' => $vacancy->first()->forms->id, 'associatedVacancyID' => $vacancy->first()->id, // Since a form can be used by multiple vacancies, we can only know which specific vacancy this response ties to by using a vacancy ID 'responseData' => json_encode($responseStructure) ]); Log::info('Registered form response for user ' . Auth::user()->name . ' for vacancy ' . $vacancy->first()->vacancyName); Application::create([ 'applicantUserID' => Auth::user()->id, 'applicantFormResponseID' => $response->id, 'applicationStatus' => 'STAGE_SUBMITTED', ]); Log::info('Submitted application for user ' . Auth::user()->name . ' with response ID' . $response->id); $request->session()->flash('success', 'Thank you for your application! It will be reviewed as soon as possible.'); return redirect()->to(route('userPendingApps')); } else { Log::warning('Application form for ' . Auth::user()->name . ' contained errors, resetting!'); $request->session()->flash('error', 'There are one or more errors in your application. Please make sure none of your fields are empty, since they are all required.'); } return redirect()->back(); } }