'Raspberry Net', 'title_prefix' => '', 'title_postfix' => '', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Favicon |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you can activate the favicon. | | For more detailed instructions you can look here: | https://github.com/jeroennoten/Laravel-AdminLTE/#62-favicon | */ 'use_ico_only' => false, 'use_full_favicon' => false, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Logo |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you can change the logo of your admin panel. | | For more detailed instructions you can look here: | https://github.com/jeroennoten/Laravel-AdminLTE/#63-logo | */ 'logo' => 'RaspberryNet Staff', 'logo_img' => 'https://www.raspberrypi.org/app/uploads/2020/05/Raspberry-Pi-OS-downloads-image-150x150-1.png', 'logo_img_class' => 'brand-image img-circle elevation-3', 'logo_img_xl' => null, 'logo_img_xl_class' => 'brand-image-xs', 'logo_img_alt' => 'Raspberry Network Staff Temporary Logo', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | User Menu |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you can activate and change the user menu. | | For more detailed instructions you can look here: | https://github.com/jeroennoten/Laravel-AdminLTE/#64-user-menu | */ 'usermenu_enabled' => true, 'usermenu_header' => false, 'usermenu_header_class' => 'bg-primary', 'usermenu_image' => false, 'usermenu_desc' => false, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Layout |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here we change the layout of your admin panel. | | For more detailed instructions you can look here: | https://github.com/jeroennoten/Laravel-AdminLTE/#65-layout | */ 'layout_topnav' => null, 'layout_boxed' => null, 'layout_fixed_sidebar' => null, 'layout_fixed_navbar' => null, 'layout_fixed_footer' => null, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Extra Classes |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you can change the look and behavior of the admin panel. | | For more detailed instructions you can look here: | https://github.com/jeroennoten/Laravel-AdminLTE/#66-classes | */ 'classes_body' => '', 'classes_brand' => '', 'classes_brand_text' => '', 'classes_content_header' => '', 'classes_content' => '', 'classes_sidebar' => 'sidebar-dark-primary elevation-4', 'classes_sidebar_nav' => '', 'classes_topnav' => 'navbar-white navbar-light', 'classes_topnav_nav' => 'navbar-expand-md', 'classes_topnav_container' => 'container', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Sidebar |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here we can modify the sidebar of the admin panel. | | For more detailed instructions you can look here: | https://github.com/jeroennoten/Laravel-AdminLTE/#67-sidebar | */ 'sidebar_mini' => true, 'sidebar_collapse' => false, 'sidebar_collapse_auto_size' => false, 'sidebar_collapse_remember' => false, 'sidebar_collapse_remember_no_transition' => true, 'sidebar_scrollbar_theme' => 'os-theme-light', 'sidebar_scrollbar_auto_hide' => 'l', 'sidebar_nav_accordion' => true, 'sidebar_nav_animation_speed' => 300, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Control Sidebar (Right Sidebar) |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here we can modify the right sidebar aka control sidebar of the admin panel. | | For more detailed instructions you can look here: | https://github.com/jeroennoten/Laravel-AdminLTE/#68-control-sidebar-right-sidebar | */ 'right_sidebar' => false, 'right_sidebar_icon' => 'fas fa-cogs', 'right_sidebar_theme' => 'dark', 'right_sidebar_slide' => true, 'right_sidebar_push' => true, 'right_sidebar_scrollbar_theme' => 'os-theme-light', 'right_sidebar_scrollbar_auto_hide' => 'l', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | URLs |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here we can modify the url settings of the admin panel. | | For more detailed instructions you can look here: | https://github.com/jeroennoten/Laravel-AdminLTE/#69-urls | */ 'use_route_url' => false, 'dashboard_url' => '/dashboard', 'logout_url' => '/auth/logout', 'login_url' => '/auth/login', 'register_url' => '/auth/register', 'password_reset_url' => '/auth/password/reset', 'password_email_url' => '/auth/password/email', 'profile_url' => false, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Laravel Mix |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here we can enable the Laravel Mix option for the admin panel. | | For more detailed instructions you can look here: | https://github.com/jeroennoten/Laravel-AdminLTE/#610-laravel-mix | */ 'enabled_laravel_mix' => false, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Menu Items |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here we can modify the sidebar/top navigation of the admin panel. | | For more detailed instructions you can look here: | https://github.com/jeroennoten/Laravel-AdminLTE/#611-menu | */ 'menu' => [ [ 'text' => 'Home', 'icon' => 'fas fa-home', 'url' => 'dashboard' ], [ 'header' => 'Applications', 'can' => 'applications.view.own' ], [ 'text' => 'My Applications', 'icon' => 'fas fa-fw fa-list-ul', 'can' => 'applications.view.own', 'submenu' => [ [ 'text' => 'Current Applications', 'icon' => 'fas fa-fw fa-check-double', 'url' => '/applications/my-applications' ] ], ], 'My Profile', [ 'text' => 'Profile Settings', 'url' => '/profile/settings', 'icon' => 'fas fa-fw fa-cog' ], [ 'text' => 'My Account Settings', 'icon' => 'fas fa-user-circle', 'url' => '/profile/settings/account' ], [ 'header' => 'Application Management', 'can' => ['applications.view.all', 'applications.vote'] ], [ 'text' => 'Outstanding Applications', 'url' => '/applications/staff/outstanding', 'icon' => 'far fa-folder-open', 'can' => 'applications.view.all' ], [ 'text' => 'Interview Queue', 'url' => '/applications/staff/pending-interview', 'icon' => 'fas fa-fw fa-microphone-alt', 'can' => 'applications.view.all' ], [ 'text' => 'Peer Approval Queue', 'url' => '/applications/staff/peer-review', 'icon' => 'fas fa-fw fa-search', 'can' => 'applications.view.all' ], [ 'header' => 'Administration', 'can' => [ // may need to be modified 'admin.hiring.*', 'admin.userlist', 'admin.stafflist', 'admin.hiring.*', 'admin.notificationsettings.*' ] ], [ 'text' => 'Staff Members', 'icon' => 'fas fa-fw fa-users', 'url' => '/hr/staff-members', 'can' => 'admin.stafflist' ], [ // players who haven't been promoted yet 'text' => 'Registered Players', 'icon' => 'fas fa-fw fa-user-friends', 'url' => '/hr/players', 'can' => 'admin.userlist' ], [ 'text' => 'Hiring Management', 'icon' => 'far fa-calendar-plus', 'can' => 'admin.hiring.*', 'submenu' => [ [ 'text' => 'Open Positions', 'icon' => 'fas fa-box-open', 'url' => '/admin/positions' ], [ 'text' => 'Forms', 'icon' => 'fab fa-wpforms', 'submenu' => [ [ 'text' => 'All forms', 'icon' => 'far fa-list-alt', 'url' => '/admin/forms' ], [ 'text' => 'Form Builder', 'icon' => 'fas fa-fw fa-hammer', 'url' => '/admin/forms/builder' ] ] ] ] ], [ 'text' => 'App Settings', 'icon' => 'fas fa-fw fa-cog', 'can' => 'admin.notificationsettings', 'submenu' => [ [ 'text' => 'Global Notification Settings', 'icon' => 'far fa-bell', 'url' => '/admin/notifications', 'can' => 'admin.notificationsettings.edit' ], [ 'text' => 'Developer Tools', 'icon' => 'fas fa-code', 'url' => '/admin/devtools', 'can' => 'admin.developertools.use' ] ] ], [ 'text' => 'System Logs', 'url' => '/admin/maintenance/system-logs', 'icon' => 'fas fa-clipboard-list', 'can' => 'admin.maintenance.logs.view' ] ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Menu Filters |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here we can modify the menu filters of the admin panel. | | For more detailed instructions you can look here: | https://github.com/jeroennoten/Laravel-AdminLTE/#612-menu-filters | */ 'filters' => [ JeroenNoten\LaravelAdminLte\Menu\Filters\HrefFilter::class, JeroenNoten\LaravelAdminLte\Menu\Filters\SearchFilter::class, JeroenNoten\LaravelAdminLte\Menu\Filters\ActiveFilter::class, JeroenNoten\LaravelAdminLte\Menu\Filters\SubmenuFilter::class, JeroenNoten\LaravelAdminLte\Menu\Filters\ClassesFilter::class, JeroenNoten\LaravelAdminLte\Menu\Filters\GateFilter::class, JeroenNoten\LaravelAdminLte\Menu\Filters\LangFilter::class, JeroenNoten\LaravelAdminLte\Menu\Filters\DataFilter::class, ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Plugins Initialization |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here we can modify the plugins used inside the admin panel. | | For more detailed instructions you can look here: | https://github.com/jeroennoten/Laravel-AdminLTE/#613-plugins | */ 'plugins' => [ [ 'name' => 'Datatables', 'active' => false, 'files' => [ [ 'type' => 'js', 'asset' => false, 'location' => '//cdn.datatables.net/1.10.19/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js', ], [ 'type' => 'js', 'asset' => false, 'location' => '//cdn.datatables.net/1.10.19/js/dataTables.bootstrap4.min.js', ], [ 'type' => 'css', 'asset' => false, 'location' => '//cdn.datatables.net/1.10.19/css/dataTables.bootstrap4.min.css', ], ], ], [ 'name' => 'FormBuilder', 'active' => true, 'files' => [ [ 'type' => 'js', 'asset' => false, 'location' => '/js/formbuilder.js' ] ] ], [ 'name' => 'Select2', 'active' => false, 'files' => [ [ 'type' => 'js', 'asset' => false, 'location' => '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/select2/4.0.3/js/select2.min.js', ], [ 'type' => 'css', 'asset' => false, 'location' => '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/select2/4.0.3/css/select2.css', ], ], ], [ 'name' => 'Chartjs', 'active' => false, 'files' => [ [ 'type' => 'js', 'asset' => false, 'location' => '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Chart.js/2.7.0/Chart.bundle.min.js', ], ], ], [ 'name' => 'Sweetalert2', 'active' => false, 'files' => [ [ 'type' => 'js', 'asset' => false, 'location' => '//cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/sweetalert2@8', ], ], ], [ 'name' => 'Pace', 'active' => false, 'files' => [ [ 'type' => 'css', 'asset' => false, 'location' => '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/pace/1.0.2/themes/blue/pace-theme-center-radar.min.css', ], [ 'type' => 'js', 'asset' => false, 'location' => '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/pace/1.0.2/pace.min.js', ], ], ], [ 'name' => 'Toastr', 'active' => true, 'files' => [ [ 'type' => 'js', 'asset' => false, 'location' => 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/toastr@2.1.4/toastr.min.js' ], [ 'type' => 'css', 'asset' => false, 'location' => 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/toastr.js/latest/toastr.min.css' ] ] ], [ 'name' => 'GlobalTooltip', 'active' => true, 'files' => [ [ 'type' => 'js', 'asset' => false, 'location' => '/js/globaltooltip.js' ] ] ], [ 'name' => 'DatePickApp', 'active' => true, 'files' => [ [ 'type' => 'js', 'asset' => false, 'location' => '/js/datepick.js' ] ] ], [ 'name' => 'Fullcalendar', 'active' => true, 'files' => [ [ 'type' => 'js', 'asset' => false, 'location' => 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/fullcalendar@5.0.1/main.min.js', ], [ 'type' => 'css', 'asset' => false, 'location' => 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/fullcalendar@5.0.1/main.min.css' ] ] ] ], ];