profile->socialLinks ?? "[]"; $socialMediaProfiles = json_decode($socialLinks, true); return view('dashboard.user.profile.userprofile') ->with([ 'profile' => Auth::user()->profile, 'github' => $socialMediaProfiles['links']['github'] ?? 'UpdateMe', 'twitter' => $socialMediaProfiles['links']['twitter'] ?? 'UpdateMe', 'insta' => $socialMediaProfiles['links']['insta'] ?? 'UpdateMe', 'discord' => $socialMediaProfiles['links']['discord'] ?? 'UpdateMe#12345', ]); } // Route model binding public function showSingleProfile(Request $request, User $user) { $socialMediaProfiles = json_decode($user->profile->socialLinks, true); $createdDate = Carbon::parse($user->created_at); $systemRoles = Role::all()->pluck('name')->all(); $userRoles = $user->roles->pluck('name')->all(); $roleList = []; foreach($systemRoles as $role) { if (in_array($role, $userRoles)) { $roleList[$role] = true; } else { $roleList[$role] = false; } } if (Auth::user()->is($user) || Auth::user()->can('profiles.view.others')) { return view('dashboard.user.profile.displayprofile') ->with([ 'profile' => $user->profile, 'github' => $socialMediaProfiles['links']['github'] ?? 'UpdateMe', 'twitter' => $socialMediaProfiles['links']['twitter'] ?? 'UpdateMe', 'insta' => $socialMediaProfiles['links']['insta'] ?? 'UpdateMe', 'discord' => $socialMediaProfiles['links']['discord'] ?? 'UpdateMe#12345', 'since' => $createdDate->englishMonth . " " . $createdDate->year, 'ipInfo' => IP::lookup($user->originalIP), 'roles' => $roleList ]); } else { abort(403, 'You cannot view someone else\'s profile.'); } } public function saveProfile(ProfileSave $request) { // TODO: Switch to route model binding $profile = User::find(Auth::user()->id)->profile; $social = []; if (!is_null($profile)) { switch ($request->avatarPref) { case 'MOJANG': $avatarPref = 'crafatar'; break; case 'GRAVATAR': $avatarPref = strtolower($request->avatarPref); break; } $social['links']['github'] = $request->socialGithub; $social['links']['twitter'] = $request->socialTwitter; $social['links']['insta'] = $request->socialInsta; $social['links']['discord'] = $request->socialDiscord; $profile->profileShortBio = $request->shortBio; $profile->profileAboutMe = $request->aboutMe; $profile->avatarPreference = $avatarPref; $profile->socialLinks = json_encode($social); $newProfile = $profile->save(); $request->session()->flash('success', 'Profile settings saved successfully.'); } else { $gm = 'Guru Meditation #' . rand(0, 1000); Log::alert('[GURU MEDITATION]: Could not find profile for authenticated user ' . Auth::user()->name . 'whilst trying to update it! Please verify that profiles are being created automatically during signup.', [ 'uuid' => Auth::user()->uuid, 'timestamp' => now(), 'route' => $request->route()->getName(), 'gmcode' => $gm // If this error is reported, the GM code, denoting a severe error, will help us find this entry in the logs ]); $request->session()->flash('error', 'A technical error has occurred whilst trying to save your profile. Incident details have been recorded. Please report this incident to administrators with the following case number: ' . $gm); } return redirect()->back(); } }