@extends('adminlte::page') @section('title', 'Raspberry Network Team Management') @section('content_header')

My Account / Apply / {{$vacancy->vacancyName}} Application

@stop @section('content')

You are applying for: {{$vacancy->vacancyName}}

We're glad you've decided to apply. Generally, applications take 48 hours to be processed and reviewed. Depending on the circumstances and the volume of applications, you may receive an answer in a shorter time.

Please fill out the form below. Keep all answers concise and complete. Please keep in mind that the age requirement is at least 18 years old.

Asking about your application will result in instant denial. Everything you need to know is here.


@foreach($preprocessedForm['fields'] as $fieldName => $field) @switch ($field['type']) @case('textarea')
@break @case('textbox')
@break @endswitch @endforeach